Photography 2


Landscape #1 Due Wednesday February 17th

Landscape #2 Due Wednesday February 24th


I think that when we travel someplace, we’re in the middle. We’re not at home, we’re not completely at home in the place that we’re in, but we’re still ourselves. We bring that along with us.  If you feel balanced and confident enough about your capacity to examine in this place, you’ll examine yourself there—you’ll ask, ‘How do I feel about being here?’—without making a judgment.”
– Joel Meyerowitz, Photographer, from Creating a Sense of Place

What is a landscape photograph?  Does it have to be mountains and fields and clouds?  Think about what constitutes a “landscape” and different ways of representing a sense of place and location.


Read the handout of Truth in Landscape from Robert Adams Beauty in Photography.  It is also posted on the class website at

Keep in mind formal and technical considerations.  Do you want a deep depth of field?  Then use a very small (big number) aperture.  If you are shooting a vista, what is the balance like between the ground and the sky?  Is the horizon line straight?

Like I always say, rules are made to be broken, but make sure you have a reason for breaking them!  I do always say that right?

Shoot in Manual Mode (or AV/TV)

Shoot at least 100 frames at the highest JPEG quality your camera will allow.

Turn in 5 final prints for critique, 1 for each of the following guidelines

1. Urban – You don’t have to go to Chicago (although you are welcome to) but create an image that evokes the feeling of an urban landscape.
2. Suburban – Same as urban, what constitutes a suburban landscape?
3. Rural – Same as 1 and 2 but in a rural setting
4. Freebie!  Shot under any conditions that you want as long as the image is somehow representing a landscape.
5. Another Freebie!


Landscape Series: To discus during class. 

Assignment: Landscape

I really like this assignment. Remember that you will need to find interesting focal points in your photography. We can make a timeline for these assignments and modify it to the Photo students that we have.

Family Photo Spoof due Monday the 18th


Learn to set up lighting.

Learn to position subjects.

Explore basic photo editing.

Make outfits and background relevant to the time period being spoofed.

Write a review on your own or another students photo detailing the elements and principles of photography that were done well or could use work.